
Monday, August 3, 2020

Hidden oasis

The oasis is somewhere in this photo. It was taken yesterday, probably from about 10 miles to the west of the oasis, by Tim McKenna. The mountain in the background is West Corazone. The slope in front is probably somewhere on Adobe Walls Ranch to my west. You can barely see the top of my mountain at the bottom of the moon. I think so anyway.

Tomorrow I'm going there to water, service feeders, and see what birds, odes, and butterflies are around. Can't wait! I plan to take it easy. I still haven't recovered from my last time there.

I plan on painting the new drip tank too. It seems to be working well.


  1. Will probably be a hot one. All week here to be 100. So yes, take it esay. What color are you going to paint the tank? Something reflective? Keep the heat as low as possible?

  2. I painted it a camouflage color. I wanted green like my new tank but they were out of that so I picked a deep gray. A dark tank has less algae growing in it, so I like that. And I like it to blend in with the surroundings. By the time the drip goes under the trees to the water feature it shouldn't be too hot.

  3. Well that makes sense. I didn't have a clue about algae. I have now seen it in your next post; looks great.
