
Monday, September 7, 2020

Rushing around

 Gonna make this short because I'm really tired. Today was another good migration day. I think until the area gets some rain it'll continue good. A chance of rain the rest of the week so here's hoping. It'll feel like a miracle to have my dragonfly pond full of water and odes. Meanwhile, it's fun birding at the drip/birdbath. I never get tired of watching young Black-throated Sparrows beg for food and while they're waiting for more to arrive (gleaned from right beside them), they feed themselves. So funny! I wish I would have thought to video it.

The new drip pond, which I repurposed, attracted a long skinny Western Coachwhip. I couldn't get his whole length in one frame so did it in two.

When I shot this Western Tanager above the birdbath I didn't realize I had gotten a Townsend's Warbler in the shot too.

OK, that's all for today.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope you can get some rain there, and not toooo much, just right. They say we may have 4-6 inches, but I'm 360 miles to the northeast. Lovely snake. I know they have a tiny brain, but surely finding your little pond registered as a good thing.
