
Monday, September 28, 2020

The universe works in mysterious ways

 My son told me today he's starting a bird life list. He's the son who is going to take over the oasis when I'm gone. Well, I want a seamless transition, so I'm sure by the time I'm gone he'll already be running it.

But anyway, his criteria is that he doesn't count a species until he has taken a photo of it. That's great! Whatever standard a person goes by, the result is the same. Here's one of the very first species on his list. Fitting.

Photo by Leonardo Sonoqui

In other news, my town habitat was full of birds today along with a mild cold front that came in the night. And the Costa's was at his station right on schedule this morning. Another visitor got their lifer Costa's today, and hopefully my son will get his tomorrow. 😀

I still have apples from our tree stored in the bottom of the refrigerator. Made Hugh this pie with some of them today. Enough left for another pie.

I readily confess that I dislike baking, don't eat desserts, and prefer to expend my talents elsewhere, but I try to keep peace in the home as much as possible.

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