
Friday, October 2, 2020

Day two of bear month

 No bears yet. Maybe since no rain this summer and very few acorns they won't show up. One can only hope. I took a photo of the spike mat with birds on it so you could see how it doesn't seem to bother them at all. I'm not sure what subspecies that juvenile White-crowned Sparrow is with such a red bill.

The oasis is still loaded with birds. Hard to get any work down and even harder to locate and ID all the birds. I figure I'm lucky if I even get a fourth of them. Here's an empidonax flycatcher that acted like a Gray Flycatcher but I haven't gotten an ID on it yet.

I think this next one is a Cassin's Vireo but with such a bad photo I'll probably never know.

I did manage to get some better photos of the Gray-headed Junco that ebird has been flagging lately.

It takes more time than I had to sit all day and wait for good photo ops. Today I got the feeders serviced, things watered, and cleaned a bunch of dirt off the ramp going into the stucco tank. Didn't leave much time, since I need to be in town monitoring the Costa's here. Today people did go see it without me being there, so that's good. Takes off a lot of pressure.

UPDATE: Kelly Bryan said the White-crowned Sparrow is the gambelii subspecies and the empidonax flycatcher is a Least.

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