
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lajitas again

 During my big day I did Lajitas last, so was tired and hot. Today I went down early with my sister-in-law, Dale. We were fresh and spent over 3 hours there, in the cool birdiness of the morning. Saw the Common Loon right away, but later didn't see it, nor did visitors this afternoon, so we lucked out there.


It called loudly. Was exciting to me. I'd never heard a loon call except on a recording. Dale recorded the call with her camera. She located a Red-breasted Nuthatch that I was able to photograph. (Only had one other photo of that species, from back in 2009.)

Photographed a Swamp Sparrow too. A species I haven't seen for quite a few years.

After we left Lajitas we stopped by the sewage treatment facility in Study Butte. There we saw a Least Grebe. I immediately called my son at the oasis to see if that grebe was still there. It was. So that makes two in the Big Bend area.

Whatever has been tilting the feeder at the oasis every night is still doing it. My greasing the pole didn't help a bit.

The trespassing van that got stuck came and removed their van after I left the gate open for them. Maybe life will get back to somewhat new normal. Supposed to freeze in Alpine Tuesday.

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