
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Punishment and reward

 After a punishing record hot and dry summer, where I struggled desperately to keep the oasis watered, the reward is most welcome. Good birds just keep on coming. Today I was excited to spot this Cassin's Finch.

There were 16 ducks on the pond all day, but no Least Grebe. I think it leaves when other ducks come in, but returns when they leave. I know some of these ducks are American Wigeons, and some Green-winged Teal. Not sure if there's anything else in the mix or not.

I really enjoy having Townsend's Solitaires around. Next best thing to bluebirds. I'm sure I'll get some bluebirds this year too. No telling what else either.

When I got back to town this afternoon I looked at my son's house for the Costa's Hummingbird but didn't see it. I'll try again in the morning. Sure did enjoy having it here for over three weeks.


  1. That second one of the ducks is great - very graphically compelling. In fact it's nice enough to print & frame for the wall!
