
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Spot on!

 I've been so frustrated losing good photo ops because I couldn't get my camera zoomed and focused in time. So I determined I was going to figure out how to see if the camera was set to spot focus. Got out the manual (written in Greek, you know) and finally got to the right menu/buttons, etc. It appeared as if it could be set better, so I piddled with it until I got it set to a small square in the center of the screen. That did wonders for focusing. It still won't focus perfectly, but so much improved. It seems if a bird is hidden partially by vegetation and I get the central square full on the bird, it still won't focus. But most of the time it focuses, which is 90% better than before. So great! Now I'm not missing as many shots.

There are migrants trickling through the oasis all day long. Just that I had work to do, and needed to come back to town. But I still managed to see a respectable number of species. Here are a few of my favorite photos from today.


Western (?) Meadowlark

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) enjoying water drip.


  1. That is a very funny photo of the Hutton's. I have never seen one, and from looking at this one, I'm not sure I want to!!

    1. Judith, turns out that's a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, not a Hutton's. Sorry! I changed it in the post.

  2. If I tried to take a photo like that I never could. Just a freak accident. It is funny though.

  3. Beautiful photo captures. Love that Flicker!
