
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Still hot and birdy

In the 90°s every day and birds just keep coming. Today I had a female Cassin's Finch, which was nice.

Also a Song Sparrow. Both were flagged on ebird as rare, as was the Least Grebe that has been here at least since Sep. 1st.

Something tried to get into the seed feeder during the night. Managed to tilt it but no damage was done. It's stiff and hard to tilt. Wind won't do it, but there wasn't a bit of wind anyway. Even a raptor couldn't tip it. And it was full, so heavy. Nails in the welcome mat weren't bent. The hummingbird feeders weren't bothered, so doesn't seem like it was a bear. Maybe a raccoon or ringtail. I'm going to grease the pole good tonight. 

As for the trespassing van, I'll probably have to let them come and get it but if I cause them aggravation meantime, it might help make sure that never happens again. It's too onerous for me to have to keep my gate locked when birders visit almost daily. Fortunately, incidents like this don't happen often.

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