
Saturday, November 21, 2020

Always tweaking

This time of year bees shovel seed from the feeder, and without the pad I had below the ports the seed is piling up on the ground. So Lee fashioned little cups to slow that down. Some on the ground is good for quail, etc., but I'm afraid too much will attract unwanted varmints. Got enough of those already.

I've been hanging around town, but going back to the oasis Monday. I overdo myself when I'm there, so trying not to get run down just in case I get the virus. But it's hard for me to slow myself down no matter where I'm at. Been birding some around the Alpine area. Nothing exciting since my lifer Wood Thrush. That's a hard act to follow. The more lifers I get, the fewer there are left to get, unless I travel extensively, which isn't going to happen.

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