
Friday, November 6, 2020

Another Balmorhea fun day!

Is it wrong to "desire too much of a good thing?"* The weather is lovely and I've been wanting my son to experience Balmorhea Lake, so we did it today. He, of course, is the better photographer. For the time being, I'm the better birder, so it works out good.

White Pelicans by Lee

 My favorite photo by me today is this one of an American Pipit perched on a pile of fresh cow dung. 

Double-crested Cormorant


* Quoting Shakespeare in "As You Like It."

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing. You never know what will amuse a person, but the pipit photo did. I've been living in town too long, and was thrilled to see his perch.
    Been a while since I've seen that.
    I used to enjoy the cormorants early in the morning looking like angels of doom when they were drying their wings....nice to see one just sailing around.
