
Monday, November 2, 2020

Catching up

 In the morning we're going to Odessa for my dental appointment so I'm posting a catch-up on the "deer caught in the tank" video. At the time I didn't have time to edit my video. I trimmed it and slowed it down a speck. The action was faster than the eye otherwise.

So we watched the deer struggle for about 15 agonizing minutes. I snapped numerous photos of what appeared to be a hopeless struggle.

Finally, I decided to do a video clip of it. In that instant he sprung free. Here's the clip.


  1. Well that was click bait for sure. I've been an unwilling witness to deer problems, and usually they don't work out, even with intervention. So it took me awhile to watch this. Glad it had a good ending. What were you thinking of with posting this? Oh, doh, as the young people say. Perhaps you have a youtube channel and were following up. OK.Whatever.

  2. Sorry, never occurred to me it would make someone uncomfortable. I just generally post about my day, how it went, etc. I did say in advance that it had a happy ending. I think the deer leaned in too far and the bulk of his weight made it nearly impossible to spring free. If he had let himself fall into the tank it would have been easy to jump out. I'll try to be more sensitive in the future.

  3. Oh no. You didn't do anything wrong. I didn't express myself well. Sorry. I used to live out in the boonies and sometimes people visiting would be all excited about seeing the deer running and leaping over fences.....and I would be worrying about the deer. Because fences and deer don't always work out. As you probably know. Lots of things out there in the wild don't work out. And that's the way it goes. I guess it was just the first photo that had me going oh shit. Caught deer. Small brain. Hate to see anything trapped, even if it's from it's own lack of brain power. Or whatever. Anyway, sorry.
