
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The mysteries of nature

 I totally wore myself out watering this morning. Since we haven't really had a hard freeze at the oasis I still feel the need to water weekly. Something I once thought of as relaxation and time to watch birds is now exhausting. Still good for birding though.

I found it strange that an Anna's Hummingbird just hovered in place way high above the oasis for what seemed like a very long time. Maybe getting its GPS bearings?

I think it's a female that just showed up today. Here's a closer look at her.

I was shocked to see how poorly the deer are looking lately. Water, but no food, I suspect. In 2011 they looked like that and many didn't make it through the winter.

The Least Grebe seems like it'll stay the winter.

I've had the best variety of Dark-eyed Juncos this year than ever before. This one is a Slate-colored.

1 comment:

  1. We had 9% humidity today in Brown county, which is way away to the northeast of you. I've never seen the humidity that low here before. Maybe in 2011 in the winter.... but that was also a time of fires. Anyway, your mentioning of 2011 brought that all back to me again. Do not want to repeat that this year.
