
Monday, November 23, 2020

Where the birds might be

 I've been thinking and thinking about the paucity of birds at the oasis. Like my year-round birds that don't migrate, such as House Finches? I think the most likely explanation is something outside of the oasis went to seed that they love. Since that late June rain caused a bumper fall crop of persimmons and other berries, it makes sense that it helped the fall grasses as well. Just like when ocotillos bloom in the spring the hummers abandon the feeders. I don't see anything else it can be.

The revised feeder is working perfectly now. Next time I come down here I'm going to bring some paint and repaint it.

So bird-wise at the oasis, I tallied 22 species today, including a pair of Robins that were eating hackberries. But only one White-crowned Sparrow, when normally there would be too many too count. Some years I have hundreds of Lark Buntings. None this year. But I figure that's good for the birds.

Male Anna's Hummingbird

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