
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Neighborhood bears

 I'm sure the bear that tore down my feeder about ten days ago is the same one that has been visiting neighbors. It's the huge one with a missing paw. This photo of it was taken this morning. Their feeder gets turned over and the seed dumped out but the feeder itself doesn't get damaged, per the neighbor.

These same neighbors also have visits from a small bear. This next photo was taken of it before New Year's Day.

I believe the bears are here to stay now that they're protected by law. So we have to learn to live with them.


UPDATE: My son just called me that he was at the oasis this morning and had some very close encounters with a huge bear, but he didn't have a camera with him. He's going to go try to take some cell phone pics of it. He says it doesn't have a missing paw. He saw it very close range and is positive about the paws. It was his first bear encounter and it unnerved him. Which means there are at least three bears prowling the neighborhood, two of which are very large.


  1. Drought bad for everything. Hopefully more moisture in 2021 and you won’t have as much trouble. Maybe they will stay more in the mountains and away from houses.

  2. Hadn't thought of that. I just figured they're expanding their range with homes being easy pickings.

  3. I found paw prints of a small bear by my house on Church Road after Christmas, snow still on ground but starting to melt.
