
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Beautiful spring day

 Got to 80° yesterday. I worked so hard that I was too tired to blog last night. The day started, as usual, with me enjoying the sunrise along Highway 118 rushing south to the oasis. By the time I got toward Santiago Mountain the skies looked like there might be a great sunrise.

Sure enough, a short time later it did not disappoint. By then I was nearing Nine Point Mesa. 

While the sun was low I tried to get a photo of a Green-tailed Towhee showing the red in the eye, like Mike did (previous post). It's probably the best I can do with the camera I have. Mike has the best. I almost succeeded. 

I'm still in the process of pruning broken limbs from that New Year's record snow storm. I'll do a few while I'm watering every time so it's not so much at once. Excitedly awaiting the new water feature and viewing area. Mostly will be glad to have it done with so I can focus on other stuff.

By March 1st the Lucifers will be back and I'll have full covid immunity. 

I have an interesting anecdote about covid. In brief, my niece is a teacher at the college here in town and she got the virus there six months or more ago. She was very sick for three weeks, recovered, but didn't get her taste back. Her doctor told her to get the vaccine. So yesterday she did, along with all my family that qualified. No one had any reactions except my niece. She got pretty sick last night, fever, etc. Today her taste came back. I figure that her immune system just couldn't rid her body of the virus until the vaccine, which is a superior response, taught it how. Now I'm hoping they can make more mRNA vaccines that will help our body get rid of all the other viruses that stay in us forever, like herpes, hepatitis, etc.


  1. I have enjoyed your blog and photography for years now. Your photos have gotten a lot better lately, what kind of camera are you using?

  2. Thanks. I used to use a Canon Rebel but the telephoto lens was too heavy for me to carry around anymore so now I use a Sony RX10 iii. I'm not very happy with it for the most part.

  3. I tested positive for Covid 19 on Jan. 7th. After 3 days I was pretty sick. I received the Regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion. Almost immediately I felt relief. In one day I improved about 70 percent. In three day it was almost completely gone. My sense of smell was the last to recover. Never lost my sense of taste.

    1. Glad you got better. How do you think you caught it?

    2. The whole family was being very careful, but two of my kids work at Target. One of them brought it home from work. Everyone got infected except my wife. My kids had very mild symptoms. I'm 68 with many underlying illnesses. I took the brunt of it. The symptoms were awful. My wife remains isolated from the rest of us. She hasn't been able get the vaccine.

  4. So sorry to hear that, but glad you survived. I hope you get the vaccine. It'll help your body fight any residual effects.
