
Thursday, February 18, 2021

The long road to town

During the night electricity finally came back on at our house in Alpine, and my husband really, really needed me in town. He's very dependent on me for so many things. I had told him I'd come back as soon as electricity came on. Thinking it wouldn't take 3 days like it did, I didn't take fresh fruit and such to the oasis with me. Not much I could do there anyway, except sit indoors burning firewood. We got close to an inch of soaking rain so no watering needed. When I got up this morning, it was snowing hard. (Ended up getting 4" of snow.)

So I set out at daylight, before the snow got any worse to where I couldn't leave. As it was, I barely managed to get up the first hill. With a lot of slipping and sliding I made it to the icy highway.

I could only go about 30 MPH to stay safe. My wiper blades got crusted with ice and wouldn't keep the window wiped, even though I had the settings to windshield, high heat, and high fan. I stopped several times trying to chip it off to no avail.

There's an area about 40 miles south of Alpine where I get a few minutes of cell service. So I stopped and texted my son that I was going real slow and not to expect me in town any time soon.

Nevertheless, when I made it to cell service and texted him that I was going down the big hill into town, he told me he and Hugh had come out looking for me. They were just to the edge of town so waited until I passed them to turn around. 

Born and raised in Iowa, my first driving lessons occurred on ice. I remember times I slid off the road too. But I learned from my mistakes. There were other vehicles on the highway today and I felt, "if they could do it, so could I." 

There's way too much going on in my life! Hopefully by summer, things will settle down, or be resolved, including my second covid vaccination (is there going to be a third?), new water feature and viewing area, interviews, presentations, son's overload, and all the projects I want to get done at the oasis. 

I'm due for my second vaccination in a few days but I'm sure it won't be available then. The weather has delayed shipments and they're way behind. I know I can go another two weeks, but I'd really like to get it over with.


  1. Hi From Fort Collins, CO - Have been praying for all my Texas Friends, YOU TOO. Saw this on the news this morning, if it is of any encouragement.

    Hope things settle soon. glad to hear Alpine had electricity back.

  2. That's really interesting. Had no idea. I haven't been worried about getting covid since I'm taking the standard precautions plus I'm sure I had it in Dec 2019, but I dread side effects of the second shot. I had side effects to my second Shingrix shot a couple years ago. Not going to stop me, of course, but just one more thing I want to get past.
