
Friday, March 12, 2021

A long hard day

The contractor didn't finish the blind today, had a few snags, so will be back in the morning to finish. I had a real busy schedule and wasn't planning on staying at the oasis overnight, but since I have to be back early AM, I have to stay. Which I'm happy to do, but it puts me behind on other obligations. 

While Mike and I awaited the contractors, we, mostly he, installed the canopy at the big tank. I won't need the canopy where it was anymore since there'll be a new blind there and I've really been needing a shady sitting area at the big tank. Lots of good birds come there to drink.

The contractor arrived around 11 AM, minus one of his helpers (who went for a covid vaccination), so that, plus a few glitches along the way, prevented them from finishing today.

As it was getting dark, Mike wired up a temporary "blind" until the wood one arrives. Lots of birders this time of year and they need something of a barrier between them and the feeder.

My son and his wife got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine day before yesterday. They were achy and headachy yesterday but much improved today. A big relief!

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