
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Pretty hectic

So much going on these days. I spent the last three days slaving away, but, bit by bit, things are coming together. Thanks to Lee Hoy for working really hard toting gravel to the low end of the blind to make it more level. Looking good!

Still getting settled into the guesthouse, no longer a guesthouse, so I'll call it my cabin. My son sold his house in Austin and brought the last load to Alpine. Running out of places to store his sign making equipment, etc., so he put some of it at the house I just vacated. Still a lot of stuff juggling going on.

Mike and Cecilia spent all afternoon working on the new blind. It's really shaping up to be awesome! Here are a couple shots Mike took.

Getting the posts all painted beige is going to make a lot of difference too. And I'll probably roof over the gap between the two modules. And soon a water tank to catch the roof runoff. Then a new water feature so there'll be more to watch from the blind. Really exciting!

Too exhausted to write more tonight. 

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