
Sunday, April 11, 2021

The oasis today

It appears as if all the Huisache trees died, or froze back to the ground, during January's record cold. I want to get them all removed. There are plenty of lovely trees that survived. I don't want trees that aren't cold hardy enough. It's a waste of water too.

Normally, I like a few dead trees around, but right now there are way too many. Need some serious cutting done. I'll see if I can get one of my sons to come cut them with a chainsaw.

Wouldn't you know, a Black-chinned Hummingbird built a nest right at the edge of a main walkway going to the back water drip. It's a great place to bird so birders tend to go back between the drip and front viewing blind a lot. I did rope it off so people will have to walk a long way around to get to the water feature, but it's still going to be a problem. For one thing, I have to water back there and drag a hose right past the nest. No other way. Gonna hope for the best. One year a Black-chinned nested successfully right outside my kitchen door, so there is hope.

Nest in lower swatch of dead [oak] leaves

When I first discovered the nest she was entering carrying a big wad of cotton.  Finishing touch I guess. Which brings up another concern of mine. Normally hummers use spider webs (I think) that are elastic and stretch as the nestlings grow. Seems a lot more suitable than cotton, especially if it gets wet and soggy. There are two eggs in the nest. I took a quick peek, not long enough to take a photo.

Another thought I have is regarding covid vaccines. I got the Pfizer, ie. an mRNA vaccine. I'm thinking it made my immune system more sensitive. I'm having allergies that I never had before. I think people with average or weak immune systems need the vaccine, but people with very active or hyper-active immune systems probably wouldn't have gotten sick anyway. My son seems to have the same allergies now, although he didn't get an mRNA vaccine. He got Johnson & Johnson. My daughter didn't get the vaccine because her immune system is likely even more sensitive. She has Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms, although the specialist thinks it's not true RA. When she gets away from the cedar pollen in Austin she improves.

I received the new stools we ordered for the new blind. I really like them. So sturdy that I won't have to worry about anyone getting hurt.

And this evening I saw an Elf Owl exit a hole in that new huge agave stalk. I'm hoping she's nesting there. Way better for photography.

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