
Monday, April 19, 2021

Yesterday's Big Sit Day 2021

The weather seems to always be cold for the Big Sit and this year was the worst. Raging wind and 40.° It finally warmed up to 70.° Because of covid the circle was 50 feet, instead of the usual 14 feet, so that helped some.

The oasis hosted a record four shorebirds, two Solitary Sandpipers and two Baird's Sandpipers.

Nashville Warbler

Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler

Dale Ohl and me with Mike Gray in the background
Cecilia Riley, our team leader

The shirt featured a Belted Kingfisher on it and we even had a Belted Kingfisher. I can't reveal our total species yet until the competition is over.

Mike found a pair of Crissal Thrashers in the arroyo behind the oasis. I'd been hearing them call for a week or more now, so I'm convinced they're nesting back there (photo by Mike).

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