
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A little serendipity

When I'm at the right place at the right time it makes me wonder what all I miss out on when I'm not. I felt sorry for the little frazzled mama hummingbird this morning. She was making endless trips between the feeder and the nest, satisfying her hungry nestlings. Apparently, the nestlings were being hard on the nest so she decided to do a little repair work. But with babies calling out for food, is it any wonder she got confused? She couldn't figure out how to take cotton and nectar to the nest at the same time. Finally, she dropped the cotton in favor of food. I suspect nests made with cobwebs stretch better (not to mention that recent inch of slow soaking rain) and don't require maintenance. Hmm...

Then a short while later, as I was heading out my road to go to Alpine, I flushed a large looking raptor from the road. I watched where it landed farther down the road and managed to get the closest I've ever been to a Peregrine Falcon. Having been accustomed to seeing them far off, maybe as far as a mile away, I was amazed at how large it looked. Camera zoomed to about 600mm.



  1. What a majestic bird. I'm wondering if you have ever had Aplomado Falcons in your area.

  2. If you mean the oasis, not to my knowledge. They've been seen around Ft. Davis and Marathon on occasion. A couple of times I thought I saw one in those areas but never could get a photo.
