
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Hot and exhausting

We worked on the new water feature today but it was extremely hot and everyone needed to take lots of breaks, including myself. It's still a work in progress but I think the hardest part is over. I'm pretty concerned that javelina will find a way to destroy it, or even bears. Time will tell. Here's how it looks for now. Hopefully we'll finish before long. It was very stressful for me to see birds not coming to the feeder next to where the work was happening. And without the birds, visiting birders couldn't have been having a very good time.

Too tired to blog more. Tomorrow's another day!


  1. Making sure there is water in an oasis is worth temporary up.

    1. There's always water at the oasis. This new water feature is mainly so photographers can sit in the blind and get better photos.
