
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Languishing in town

Probably needed a day of rest but I worked hard all morning enlarging my brush pile. Years ago I had to fight my husband to have a small brush pile. He was afraid the city would complain. There are endless brush piles and worse all over town, of course. So after years and years of no complaints from the city, he let me expand it today. I know the birds are going to love it.

Deer enjoy the town habitat too.

You know someone is an awesome photographer when they take a photo like this of a bird in flight. A Black-crowned Night-Heron at the oasis yesterday by Lee Hoy.

And my son works on his roof when time and wind allow. I'll be really glad when that's done so he can do other things with his spare time.

Oasis tomorrow!!! Yay!!!

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