
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Two nights of bear devastation

 Night before last a bear tore down the seed feeder, broke off a limb on an oak tree that didn't have acorns on it, and chewed holes in the new liner for the new water feature. Also tore the screen on the potty shed door. 

My son fixed the feeder back and we hung it higher. This morning it broke off the horizontal pipe holding the feeder and another whole bag of seed ended up spilled on the ground.

It rained a third an inch in the night so there are fresh signs this morning. Here are tracks. 

Seed-laden scat

 On top of everything else, I've had vertigo for 3 days. That really takes it out of me.

I thought the baby hummingbirds would surely fledge today, but they're still [sorta] in the nest as of this evening. They're really calm. Don't get perturbed when someone approaches the nest.

Mike came down from Ft Davis and tried to secure the water feature better until we can get it finished. He's going to order a patching kit from the manufacturer.

Yellow-headed Blackbirds are really cool birds.


  1. I've had vertigo from severe to mostly mild. I learned it's related to my allergies affecting my ears. I take Zyrtec on a regular basis. Check with your doctor.

    1. I take Meclizine for it. It stops the vertigo but leaves me sleepy and weak. So hard to get any work done.

  2. Hi I was wondering if you accept visitors. If so, how do I go about it? Thanks!

    1. Birders always welcome. Email me. Address is on this blog.

  3. Has it been a wetter year? Sounds like the second decent rain recently and not even monsoon season yet. Good news for a dry area I hope.

  4. So far it has been wetter. Hope it continues.
