
Thursday, June 3, 2021

New operational water feature

It was a hard, grueling day but the new water feature is now working. I love it! The sound of it is so great too. Between that, and watching baby quail, it's really hard to get work done. This photo is by Michael Gray. He and Cecilia slaved away on the viewing blind and water feature for countless hours. Without them, neither improvement would exist. (Of course, I did the rock work.)

I wanted to finish the rock work today, but just couldn't. I need to scrounge up some more of those Boquillas Flagstone rocks to make it suit me. The part not finished is in the back so doesn't show on the photo. I'll eventually get it done. I watered trees and did a little pruning this morning. By the time I got to the rock work (after Mike installed the solar pump, etc.) it was 96° and I was tired.

Now I'm in town trying to catch up things there.

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