
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

New unwelcome mat

Texas Parks & Wildlife made a new unwelcome mat for my seed feeder. It'll be interesting to see how it does. Actually, I haven't had a bear tear down the feeder since I put my old one back down, but it keeps flattening the nails on it. I have to keep straightening them out. The new mat is tougher (tire rubber) and should last forever. The nails are stronger, but shorter and closer together, so we'll just have to see how it goes. The new one passed the first hurdle -- birds are fine with it.


  1. I guess it is too soon to know....

  2. Yes, but the more days that go by with the feeder left alone, the more encouraging it is. No bear has pulled it down with an unwelcome mat down, so that's good.
