
Thursday, July 22, 2021

And the work goes on...

...and the work goes on. The blind is pretty much done now. Madge Lindsay, Cecilia Riley, and Mike Gray came and did some finishing touches. At some point I'm going to cover the space between the two blinds, but not in this daily triple digit heat.

I found a snake that looked different. For one thing, it was green and lacked the stripes of a garter snake, but I guess that's what it is.

I haven't blogged for nearly two weeks, but nothing has changed. No rain, miserable gnats, too hot, and I'm still puny. I keep hoping for an interesting butterfly, dragonfly, or bird to cheer me up, but all I got was a snake and a stone. The stone was interesting, however. I found it right beside the path that goes around the dragonfly pond (when it rains, of course). It's a prehistoric knife. Tells me this oasis has been used for a very long time, and will continue to be used for a very long time. Just don't know in what capacity.

Over the years I've found many dozens of stone tools, but this one surprised me since it's been over 25 years since that dirt has been placed there. Originally, we excavated it out to make our first tank. The artifact was less than an inch from the walkway that I worked so hard to line with vertical thin rocks. I guess wind and erosion uncovered it.

Update: Mike took these artsy pics of the place today.

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