
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

First fall migrant

Got to the oasis on August 1st to see a gorgeous Rufous Hummingbird at the feeders.

Basically, I spent all that day and the next, servicing feeders, pumping water from one tank to another where I needed it to be, and watering trees. I'm getting too old for all that work. It left me exhausted. Those pumps and hoses are heavy. So when I got to town last night I just collapsed into bed. But I'm fine today!

Here are a couple of photos I took while there. I just love the juvenile male Lucifers with their mottled gorgets.

Dragonfly numbers are improving but I didn't have much time to sit and watch. Here's a Band-winged Dragonlet. Brewster County is about as far west as their range goes.

I haven't gotten this bug ID'd yet, so I'll call it a Yellow Velvet Ant. It was moving so fast I had to take about twenty shots of it just to get it in the frame.