
Friday, August 13, 2021

Nighttime pumping

 During this year's rainy season the oasis has gotten four rains that each created a little runoff. That's unusual. Normally, I get only one rain and it fills the tanks, like last happened in June 2020. So since the rains almost always occur late in the afternoon, that means nighttime pumping.

My son was already down here when it rained again last night. He tried to handle things by himself, but since a person never knows ahead of time what will need pumping and to where, it's impossible to be prepared in advance. So in the middle of the night AGAIN, I came rushing down. I know what needs to go where, and where what is (cords, gas, hoses, anchor, pumps, priming bucket etc.).

 One nice thing about getting the rains piecemeal is that it doesn't damage the roads and stuff. Also vegetation does better with frequent rain.

This last rain helped enough that I feel confident the oasis will make it until next rainy season. Whew!

This afternoon Mike Gray came down and laid some pavers in the new viewing area. It's a start. The plan is to eventually do it all.

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