
Monday, September 13, 2021

Better watering day today

I took plenty of allergy medicine before I started watering yesterday and it made so much difference, plus it was a few degrees cooler than last week. I really enjoyed spending two days at the oasis, even though I was working most of that time. Always pruning etc. to do, plus I'm working on the roof span between the two viewing structures.* 

But I found time to sit and take photos of what few migrants are coming through. Just got lucky on this Black-capped Vireo. He foraged for less than a minute in a bush right next to where I was sitting. Almost too close to get him all in the frame. I think it's a juvenile male. Considering he was always in motion, and there were branches blocking my view, I'm pleased that I got this much.

So much fun at the oasis the two days a week I'm there that it makes me wonder what I'm all missing when I'm not there. I was surprised to discover a pair of Blue Grosbeaks feeding three hungry nestlings. I figured nesting activity was through for the year.

Deer are starting to come to the oasis to drink, so I assume watering holes are drying up.

During one of my frequent rest breaks I captured this Townsend's Warbler coming to bathe.


* I'll post photos of the viewing blind when I get it finished.

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