
Thursday, September 2, 2021

Nice soaking rain

During the night last night the oasis got over a half inch of rain. No runoff. It all went into the ground for the vegetation. There are endless flowers blooming all over the property. It's keeping my sisters and me busy trying to locate and identify them. While looking for diagnostic flowers on this tiny vine, that we think might be Spearleaf (Matelea parvifolia), I found a caterpillar. Hoping Brian can ID it for me.

Remember the Tree Tobacco I planted around the new tank a couple of years ago? What remains of it is blooming. I'm still hoping it'll go to seed and form a lovely thicket of them. We'll see.

Flowers and butterflies everywhere, but few birds.

Update: Brian says that's just a moth caterpillar. Nothing of interest.

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