
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Bad day for water feature

I held my breathe arriving at the oasis this morning for fear of finding bear damage. Lucked out there, and the acorns are gone, so I think the oasis dodged the bears this year. I believe the acorns fell to the ground and were consumed by javelina. Those devils rearranged some of the rocks in the new water feature. Not bad enough that I'm going to resort to concrete  .......yet. Gonna try heavier rocks first.

The worst thing they did was uncover a section of the underground reservoir. With light getting to it, algae will grow and mess up the pump. I plan to put heavier rocks over that area. We shall see.

Also, I opened the faucet from the rain barrels to top off the underground reservoir and went off and forgot it (for the second time now) and lost most of the water in the rain barrels, about 300 gallons, more or less. Really upsets me. Last time it happened I vowed to open up only one barrel so that would be the most I could drain, but, I was so sure I'd remember, that I didn't bother to close one of the barrels. I've resolved that will never happen again. Any time I turn it on I'm going to immediately put  something on the hood or windshield of my pickup to remind me, and use from only one tank. The valves are underground and it's almost impossible, and very painful, for me to stoop over that far to turn one on and another off, then later reverse the action, that I tend to make mistakes. Duh!

Had a hummer I couldn't ID today so I sent a pic of it to Kelly Bryan, the expert. He said it was an juvenile Anna's. Here's a photo of it being harassed by a young male Lucifer.

There were at least three Lucifers still here today, but I expect once the wind dies down they'll head south.

I made one other regrettable mistake today. I spied an interesting looking darner (dragonfly) perch quite a ways away. I moved a bit closer to get a better photo without first taking a distant shot. My zoom lens would have at least made it IDable. But of course it disappeared before I got to take a photo of it. I knew better. It's getting hard to live with myself some days. I hope tomorrow will be more satisfying.


  1. My friend and I, both in our late 60s enjoy telling each other stories of forgetfulness. So far the funniest is when my friend forgot to empty the pot after setting the coffee pot timer to brew in the morning. The following morning the coffee over flowed the pot all over the counter and the floor. Might as well enjoy these things.

  2. I do so many forgetful things, some really disastrous, but I forget what they are.
