
Saturday, October 9, 2021

Damselfly success!

When I learned that the original finder of that Fiery-eyed Dancer saw two again yesterday after spending only fifteen minutes there, I couldn't stand it! I had to try again! 

I arrived at the location shortly before 11:00 AM. Immediately, I placed a chair in the water at the location they had been seen twice previously and sat patiently waiting. Here's my view from the chair. I was so still that a damselfly perched repeatedly on my shoe. You can see the tip of my shoe (to the right of my ever-present shadow), complete with dragonfly, at the bottom edge of this first photo. (The yellow sign is at the side of the road.)

Springwater Dancer on my shoe

After twenty minutes or so when I was certain the ode of my quest was not there, I started looking farther downstream. To my amazement, I had gone no more than 10-20 feet farther than I spied one coming and going to a perch on a twig just above the water. I immediately knew what it was. It was real!

I'm positive I hadn't overlooked it two days ago. I just hadn't been at the right spot at the right time.

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