
Friday, November 5, 2021

Dragging as fast as I can

Got up this morning to my windshield iced over. Had to scrape it to see through it


It's frustrating that my place seems to get the coldest in the Big Bend outside of Marfa. I'm on a little finger of the Marfa Plateau. Then in the summer, I'm almost as hot as anywhere in the area. Not only that, but the mountains usually block me from Gulf of Mexico moisture. And no underground water under my property as far as I can discern. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons!

Did not see the Lewis's Woodpecker today. And even though I saw the Gray Catbird, I couldn't get a photo of it. Maybe if I could have sat in the viewing blind for hours, but I needed to get the watering done. I guess the best photo I took today was of a Northern Flicker. It perched on my pickup just outside the guesthouse (my cabin, now) window. Even taken through the window it got pretty good.

Before I headed to town I was determined to fix the water feature so javelina will stop moving the rocks off the underground reservoir. My plan was to put a rock where they root that would be too heavy for them to move. But that meant too heavy for me to move too. So my wonderful sister and her daughter came to the rescue. Hope that solves the problem. The new rock is right where the water runs over the basin. I want to put more weight on that basin too. I think it weighs like 35 lbs. However, I don't see how they can get to it to root it up. It would take a lot of determined effort. Everything, including life, is a work in progress.

Not as pretty to look at, but when I have more energy I'll beautify it some. I've been puny for a week now, and after watering today, my vertigo got worse and I got a headache. A week ago I felt good, so washed the car and cleaned the house. Nothing major and it didn't seem to wear me out, but the next day, and since, I've been real run down. Cold sores in my mouth and on my lips, etc. I'll try to rest up for a few days now.


  1. Yes. Rest up. And try lysine. I'm serious about that.
    I don't think you need to worry about beautifying....nature will take care of it if the javelinas don't reconfigure.

  2. My son swears by lysine too. I'm on the mend now, but if it happens again I'll take lysine. I'm using Abreva now. As for beautifying, there are just a couple of small things I want to do to make it aesthetically more pleasing to me. Just wasn't up to it when I was there yesterday, especially after spending most of the day watering. I want to put more weight on the water basin so it can't be moved and a couple of more prettier rocks in front of that big one my sister and niece installed for me.
