
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Taking advantage of perfect weather

I watered today even though it could have waited a few more days, but the weather is just so great! First thing this morning I saw two Phainopeplas, male and female.

Later I saw a Cardinal that I first saw yesterday but couldn't get a photo of yesterday.

I tweaked a bit on the water feature. Looking better to me, but want to do a little more to it yet. Mostly, I just want to camouflage that rock my sisters put on recently so the javelina can't root around. 

I was shocked to see several White-crowned Sparrows splashing so vigorously in the water feature that the whole area got soaked. Hadn't figured that into the water usage situation.

Surprised to see a Powdered Dancer this late in the year. Things are real slow. Have to work at tallying 20 species of birds every day.


  1. The esthetics of the water feature aren't bothering me, just as they aren't bothering the white crowned sparrows. But I do understand making it javelina proof. Which would, as you say, require rocks heavier than you can deal with. Or me. Or one guy, actually. Unless a world champion weight lifter.

    1. The artist in me demands things to be esthetically pleasing. Just a couple more tweaks and I'll be satisfied.
