
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Chasing again

With the warm weather continuing and birding so bad at the oasis, I can't resist chasing anything interesting elsewhere. Fortunately, this chase is only 20 minutes from home. There's been a Downy Woodpecker seen at a picnic area south of Fort Davis. I tried for it twice yesterday and going back again today. I've yet to see anyone's actual photo of it. It was observed shortly after I gave up and left yesterday morning so I went back in the afternoon, to no avail. Not giving up. I've seen the species growing up in Iowa and seen it in Colorado, but never in Texas.

Day before yesterday I took a nasty fall while looking for the bird. My knee was swollen and painful yesterday but I'm fine today. I had been walking on this slope, looking up for my target bird, when rubble caused me to slip and crash to the ground. I landed atop my camera, but luckily didn't break it. I chose not to walk along the highway close to the speeding traffic. Now I'm walking farther down the slope where the view isn't as good, but good enough, and safer.

There are lots of berries at this location, although I have yet to see a bird eating them.

When traveling to the picnic area, I have to pass Musquiz Creek/Lake so naturally I stop there. Usually the ducks are too far away for me to get decent photos, but occasionally I catch one closer, like this American Wigeon.

If I don't get the Downy Woodpecker today, I'll have fun trying.

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