
Friday, December 17, 2021

Quick oasis visit

Couldn't put off watering another day so arrived at daylight in time to see the sunrise reflection on the mountains to the west. Opposite of afterglow, I guess.

Strangely, it seems so quiet and bird-less at the oasis, yet I tally more species there than I do at the birdy picnic area south of Ft. Davis. Maybe just because I'm so used to my birds, or maybe there are less total birds, even though more diversity. Don't know.

Canyon Towhee

Mule deer

I'm wondering if the summer rains created a lot of natural seed and forage so that birds don't need the feeders. I didn't see one quail at the seed feeder but I know they're around and I saw one cross the road. Even though my tanks didn't totally fill, we might have gotten frequent enough rain to produce a good crop. If wildflowers are any indication, it was a great year for them. That doesn't explain why there weren't migrant hummers at the feeders this fall since there were plenty of Lucifers at the feeders. Maybe one day soon we'll know.

Weather is supposed to be cold tomorrow. Glad I don't have to go out unless I want to.

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