
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Time gets away

Since my son had filled the seed feeder at the oasis a couple of days ago, I didn't feel a big need to go down there today. However, with cold weather due tomorrow, I decided to go enjoy the afternoon there, and take bird photos even if it was just the regular common birds I always have. Couldn't stand another day of napping and TV, waiting, almost in a state of torpor, for spring.

When I got there I spent a couple of hours doing odds and ends at my cabin before heading to the oasis. Hadn't really planned on watering. But upon checking my journal,  I realized I hadn't been there in nearly two weeks, so needed to water. By then it was mid-afternoon, so I rushed around watering what I could before dark. Now that I'm not pumping from the stucco tank (trying to dry it up for cleaning and patching), I have to water with only one hose at a time with a smaller pump. Takes forever.  I gave most things a small drink. Hopefully, that'll last until I get back there in a week or so.

As for the birds, same old ones. I know there are at least 20 species there, but I only actually saw or heard 14 species. Back in town now, bracing for the nasty weather tomorrow.

Scaled Quail

Black-throated Sparrow


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