
Sunday, February 20, 2022

My new word

From time to time I make up new words. Today I came up with the word "Storpor." It signifies my state in the winter time. Kind of a cross between a stupor and torpor. I'm not as dormant as torpor, but I'm not much more functional than a stupor. But now I'm coming out of my winter storpor and it feels so good!

My son primed and painted the new viewing stand today, then the plan is to take it to the oasis tomorrow. So excited! I'll post pics as soon as it gets the seats attached.

That bar attached between the step up and the seat is a footrest for my viewing comfort. I anticipate spending many an hour on my perch. The backrest is more comfortable without a board on it. 

Today I got a better photo of the Northern Shoveler that's been hanging out in our ponds here in Alpine.

Then I went to Musquz Creek/Lake to see if there was any interesting activity there. Not much, but I did get a slightly better photo of a Lesser Scaup than I had previously. Hard to do better when they're always so far away.

So I'm hanging in here. Hard to believe Lucifers will be here in a week or so.

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