
Friday, February 4, 2022

Surprise duck today

Always keeping an eye on the ponds and yard out the window from beside a warm fire. I get excited to see an ordinary bird on days like today... one more species for my day list. So was amazed to see what looked like a Northern Pintail. To be sure, I braved the cold and crept closer to the ponds, hoping I wouldn't flush it. Finally got close enough for a diagnostic photo, and sure enough, that's what it was. I think that's the first one I've had in Alpine, although I have that species on my Brewster County list.

I snapped three photos of it before dashing back indoors, but now wish I would have taken more. One is sharper, one is at a better angle, and one shows the eye best, but I should have gotten one that was good in all three areas. Hopefully lesson learned. Above is the sharpest one, but I don't like the angle. The angle is better on the next one but I cropped it so a branch wouldn't be in the photo.

Such is life!

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