
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Pushed myself hard today

Got quite a bit done today, then back to town to wait out the impending cold front.

First thing this morning I went to check my drip. Had an unexpected sight beside it.

My guess is that a newborn javelina got trampled or maybe was stillborn. Yuck! As for the drip, it still needs a bit of tweaking, but is acceptable.

Spring migration is inching along. I still haven't decided how, or if, I want to paint the drip tank. I love having the valve at eye level though. I just need a short ladder for filling the tank once a week.

I did some patching in the stucco tank. Still have some more to go, but it's probably as waterproof as it's gonna get.  Here's an example of a patch I put on a bad place.

Then I coat the patches with Dryloc. The above patch is at the red arrow in this next photo.

While watering today I decided to identify the six volunteer conifers that had sprouted a couple of years ago. I had wanted to wait until they were a little bigger to be able to see what they are. Today was the day! I was thrilled that five are Alligator Junipers and one is an Arizona Cypress. Here are a couple of the junipers. Now we need some good monsoons so I can enjoy them as real trees in my lifetime.

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