
Monday, March 21, 2022


I hate March because it's the windy month, and I hate wind worse than heat or cold. But I persevered through the raging gales and watered trees today, plus serviced feeders. Wasn't going to let it get the best of me.  At least there were a few birds to watch meantime. I enjoyed watching a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher catch and eat insects. I swear it belched after this one, but it probably had to assume that position in order to swallow.

I'm not sure what the insect was, maybe a wasp. The bird seemed to handle it gingerly. Probably more used to smaller gnats. (Must be a reason it's called a "gnatcatcher") In this wind and time of year it can't be choosy.

I'm sure I've pointed out, at least once, how the color of Lucifers gorgets change with the light. But these photos were taken of the same bird, at the same time, only seconds apart. Instantly it went from deep purple to magenta.

See, just when you thought there was nothing more to say about Lucifers.....

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