
Friday, April 1, 2022

Candelaria wetlands

I've been wanting to go to the Candelaria wetlands ever since birders have posted tons of great birds from there in the past month or so. Finally went yesterday. Probably wouldn't have if I had known it was nearly 50 miles beyond Presidio. I used to go there frequently and didn't remember it being so far. But I'm glad I went. Awesome birding! In the years before ebird I kept county lists, but no locations and dates. So I'm trying to get better documentation for my old sightings. I think I still have over 90 species to go for Presidio County. I'm sure I won't ever get that many, but I did add 7 species to my list plus got documentation on almost 20 species I already had.

I was dismayed to see a feral hog (Russian Boar) in the wetlands. If they come to the oasis, it'll be the end of it, I fear.

I saw hundreds of pelicans, cormorants, swallows, ducks, etc. there. Certainly the birdiest I've ever seen it, and maybe anywhere. Hadn't had photos of Common Gallinules before yesterday either.

These next photos will give you an idea of how packed it was with birds. The wetland extends for miles along the road too.


  1. As soon as you mentioned Candelaria wetlands I was on the Internet researching the area. It is now in my bucket list, along with yours, for places to visit. Though I live in Central Texas, West Texas has always fascinated me. Though, I have visited only a few times.

  2. Keep in mind that it's sometimes dry and usually not this birdy.
