
Monday, May 30, 2022

A Memorial weekend I'll always remember

Yesterday was crazy! For years my daughter had been suffering from bad headaches. In 2016 she had an MRI and it was considered normal. The last few months her headaches became "different" plus she began experiencing balance problems and nausea. So we discussed it a couple of weeks ago and decided she simply must have an MRI. She was able to get one scheduled for the following week on Friday (May 27) for after she got off work. 

After the MRI, they wouldn't let her leave and told her she had a brain tumor and must get straight to the ER. They did a C-SCAN, bloodwork, and prepared to get her into surgery asap. Reexamining the 2016 MRI they saw a tiny tumor had already been forming then.

Surgery was originally scheduled for 7 AM yesterday (May 29th). Finally they got her in late in the morning, only to take her right back out because the surgeon had an emergency. An hour or two later, they wheeled her back into surgery. She hadn't wanted the family to travel there, and had her devoted husband with her all the way. So we suffered from afar.

I had planned to water trees during the surgery. But as it kept being delayed I found myself unable to postpone watering any longer. Then the pump stopped working.  Could find no reason. Was it symbolizing my daughter's heart?  I was a wreck!


Eventually the pump started working. Expecting the surgery to be over by 10 AM, I had promised my husband I'd be to town by supper time. So there I was, in the afternoon 107° heat, watering and rushing around to keep my promise. During the drive to town I had no cell service. As soon as I got to service I got a call or text (don't remember which) that the minute the doctor had started dissecting the tumor it had started to bleed more than expected and her brain had begun to swell. He had to make an instant life or death decision to either halt the surgery or grab the tumor as best he could and get out. He opted for the latter, and luckily was able to pop out the tumor in one complete piece. (Later I learned he had told my daughter that bleeding and swelling was a possibility and if that happened he'd have to abort the surgery.)

I agonized that the bleeding and swelling would cause damage, maybe permanent, she might be in a coma, die... all kinds of stuff. In my earlier anxiety, I had rushed off to town and left water running. Fortunately, my son was there and discovered it before all my water reserve was lost, but any loss at this time is serious.


When my son-in-law could no longer stand not knowing her status, fearing the worst, he stopped waiting for the promised call that he could go see her, and rushed into the ICU uninvited. He found her seemingly fine and wanting to go home. I guess they had forgotten to call him, or were waiting a bit longer.

So I went from despair to euphoria in a matter of seconds! I finally got to talk to her early this morning. She's normal other than neck pain and tired. Will update soon!


  1. Such a roller coaster. But with a safe landing. I am glad to hear it. Sounds like everybody is going to need a bit of rest.

    1. For sure! Just so relieved when I saw she was OK! Words can't convey. Still good so far!
