
Sunday, May 8, 2022


The lovely Worm-eating Warbler stayed around for another group of birders to see it another day. Since I had already seen it, I hung back and let them get looks at it, and didn't taken any good photos of it. I'm satisfied with what I already got.

Upon arriving, the group had been shown a photo of what the bird looked like, and charged with finding it. Just a matter of time until some of the many eager eyes spotted it.

I had to come to Alpine after the group left to do catchup here. The mulberry trees are loaded with birds and berries, so that took precedence over laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. Tomorrow I'll go back to the oasis to water trees. A lot of back and forth, trying to hang onto both worlds as long as possible.

In town there are some nice birds like a Baltimore Oriole.

And at least a dozen Western Tanagers.

My eyesight is deteriorating with age (macular degeneration), so rather challenging. And my neck doesn't turn and bend hardly at all, but I push on as best I can. Beats the alternative.

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