
Sunday, May 1, 2022

Surprise rain shower

Just a little over one-tenth inch, but it was very welcome, nonetheless!

 A week ago I started putting some of my reserve water into the stucco tank so I can use the pump in there to water the trees. I worried about it evaporating in between waterings, so I bought a tarp to cover the water. It took a lot of rocks and weights to keep the wind from picking up the tarp.


So after today's shower, the tarp has water standing on it and I can't figure out how to get it off without dismantling the whole setup and starting over.

While all the water on it will get wasted, the bright side is, it'll help keep the tarp from blowing away. It's all an experiment. Will just have to see if it helps. I feel like without doing something, I lose half the water to evaporation.

Not many migrants visited today and those that did, didn't stay long.

American Pipit

Yellow Warbler

1 comment:

  1. What if you poked just one little hole in the tarp at it's lower point in the latest configuration. something tells me that's probably a bad idea. Dunno why, other than it seems to easy. And then the tarp would always have a hole in it.
