
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Hot oasis watering day!

Knowing the electricity at the oasis was scheduled to be off between 8-10 AM, I planned to arrive here at 10. By then, it was already in the upper 90°s. I persevered, taking long breaks every hour or so. With only another hour of watering left to do late this afternoon (at 110°), it cooled off rather quickly and we got a nice little shower. Less than one-tenth inch. No runoff. But lovely to have the ground wet, and the air cooler. I'll finish watering in the morning while I top off the leaky stucco tank with what water remains in the lower dirt tank.

Occasionally, while watering, in between moving the hoses, I sat by my dragonfly pond to watch for odes, but didn't see any interesting ones.

During the hottest part of the day birds were coming to the water drip. This panting Scott's Oriole was too gorgeous not to photograph. Panting helps them cool off, since they don't sweat.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what your secret is, but you get the most beautiful birds. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
