
Saturday, June 25, 2022

New territory for me

I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. One time Hugh will be like his old self, and then later, semi, or not, lucid. At times I vacillate between confidence he's going to be back to his old self soon, to thinking he isn't going to survive this.

Yesterday they finally moved him out of ICU into a room with a view.

Last night was the first time I could spend the night with him. I didn't get a moment's sleep, what with his delirium, and movement that pinched his IV cord setting off a loud alarm. Sometimes it got turned off promptly, but more often went on endlessly, only to start the cycle again as soon as the problem was solved.  And there was the continuous parade of staff in and out doing their thing.  So, early this afternoon, I treated myself to the rest of the day off. I realized I was no help, and was only torturing myself. Today the doctor said he needs to be transferred to a rehab facility. I'm looking into the options.

To cheer me up, or further torture me, not sure which (LOL), my sister sent me pictures taken today from our places at the oasis. First is a Blue Milkwort (Polygala barbeyana).

And next is a Tiny Checkerspot.


  1. I read your blog consistently and admire you. I am sending hugs, strong thoughts and prayers for your strength. Life is piling so much on your shoulders, but from what I know of you from your blog you will do your best and then some. Please know a city girl is pulling for you!

  2. Definitely torture. 🤪

  3. Being an old person in the hospital makes you crazy, whether you're the patient or not. And ICU paitients often get out of touch with reality. I went through a number of hospital experiences with my husband. He still liked me after it was all over, but I DID leave him. All night.
    So I could sleep. They know how to take care of him better than you do. Take a break.

  4. And rehab will know how better than you do.
