
Friday, June 17, 2022

The continuing ordeal

Husband is making painfully slow progress every day. Since he refuses to let me go back to Alpine without him, I need to get him out of the hospital as soon as I can. I stay with him all day every day. He's been in ICU so long that he has "ICU delirium." He often doesn't know where he is, and says things like, "what are we doing," or "is it nice enough for me to go outside and sit," and stuff like that. He even told one nurse that he was going home tonight, but [not to worry] "we'll come back early in the morning." They tell me it'll get worse and is caused by lack of sleep. I'm not exaggerating, every five minutes someone goes into his room and does something to wake him up. 

His biopsy results were negative for cancer. They say his colon was twisted and blood supply cut off so they removed half of it, plus his appendix for good measure. 

Hopefully, he'll be out of ICU tomorrow where they'll leave him alone more. I'll sure be glad when he can stand and walk. Right now he can't even raise his hand up more than a few inches.

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