
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Update on family

Firstly, my daughter is recovering nicely from her tumor removal. 

As for my husband, it's going to be a difficult recovery due to his age and condition, but it's going to happen. 

He is still in ICU, sedated, and on a ventilator.  We're pretty certain tomorrow they'll wake him up and remove the ventilator. Then, hopefully, no complications, and real progress. 

My son is taking care of the oasis and place in Alpine.  Local birders here are going way out of their way to help me in whatever way I need help. I always said birders are the best.

Oasis got a slow soaking rain this evening. Can't wait to be able to get back down there! 


  1. I'm happy your daughter is doing well. We're sending good thoughts for your husband. I'm glad you're getting some help from the local birders. I'm sorry your family is going through all of this. Stay strong. I've been to your oasis, so I know you're amazing.

  2. Life has its ups and downs. Glad to hear you and your family's is on the way up.
